A certain way of sowing light, of dancing with light and darkness.
”Fugues” is a work born out of its context, a real work in situ. A private appartment, the entrance of the 17th century building, and a video projection. The visitor of the exhibition crosses inevitably the courtyard where the video has been filmed. Eriko Momotani, galerist and hostess, invites the visitor to lie down on her bed in the small bedroom, barely larger than the bed itself, where he can watch the video projected on the ceiling. It’s a 15 minutes traval through time. The cylindrical architecture of the courtyard works like a solar clock, and my hand, in its incessant forth and back movement, seems to ”sow” time. Several day cycles are filmed, and during every night a variation in form of a dreamlike flash gives a visual ”fugue” theme.
The reactions of the visitors were diversified, ranging from enthousiastic cries to claustrophobian reactions, other stayed for over one hour, seized - and sometimes fell asleep.
The initially mute video has been accompagnied with acousmatic music by the composer Alexandros Markeas, and shown again in different contexts : at a music conservatory where visitors, lying in recliners, discovered it projected on the ceiling, or at the gallery l’Imagerie in Lannion, where visitors could lie on a carpet.