Galileo’s Key
Sculpture, Science

When turning this key in an imaginary keyhole, it translates Galileo’s thoughts. The key’s rotation evoques the movement around an axis, and the form described by the void is that of a sphere.

... and yet, it moves ...

This phrase (E pur si muove), allegedly muttered by Galileo, has probably never been pronounced by him during his process in 1663, it would have meant in the eyes of the catholic church a relapse, and would have sent him straight to the stake. It is more of a mental image, the idea of resistance against obscurantism. The earth rotation has proven true.

The work has been produced for the first time in 1994 and shown at the art centre FOE 156 in Munich, Germany. In 2010 it has been shown at the exhibition celebrating the 10 years of Nicolas Michelin’s architecture agency ANMA. In 2011 at Yvon Nouzille’s gallery APDV, it has been shown at a concierge’s loge of a housing project, accompanied by a spheric parcel that had been sent by post to the lodger « M. Galileo Galilei ». It has also been shown at the 5th international art biennial of Melle, on invitation by Dominique Truco.